Difference between revisions of "Template:Blocks"

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(Added all remaining Building Blocks.)
Line 116: Line 116:
* {{Ilink|Healing Crystal}}
* {{Ilink|Healing Crystal}}
* {{Ilink|Bamboo Block}}
* {{Ilink|Bamboo Block}}
! Decorations
* {{Ilink|Crafting Table}}
* {{Ilink|Furnace}}
* {{Ilink|Chest}}
* {{Ilink|Ender Chest}}
* {{Ilink|Enchantment Table}}
* {{Ilink|Anvil}}
* {{Ilink|Name Tag}}
* {{Ilink|Bed}}
* {{Ilink|Wooden Door}}
* {{Ilink|Iron Door}}
* {{Ilink|Bamboo Door}}
* {{Ilink|Trap Door}}
* {{Ilink|Sign}}
* {{Ilink|Sapling}}
* {{Ilink|Leaves}}
* {{Ilink|Apple in Leaves}}
* {{Ilink|Orange in Leaves}}
* {{Ilink|Golden Apple in Leaves}}
* {{Ilink|Lemon in Leaves}}
* {{Ilink|Stick}}
* {{Ilink|Ladder}}
* {{Ilink|Wooden Fence}}
* {{Ilink|Wooden Fence Gate}}
* {{Ilink|Nether Brick Fence}}
* {{Ilink|Nether Brick Fence Gate}}
* {{Ilink|Iron Bars}}
* {{Ilink|Torch}}
* {{Ilink|Ender Dragon Egg}}
* {{Ilink|Long Grass}}
* {{Ilink|Shrub}}
* {{Ilink|Desert Shrub}}
* {{Ilink|Yellow Flower}}
* {{Ilink|Red Flower}}
* {{Ilink|Brown Mushroom}}
* {{Ilink|Red Mushroom}}
* {{Ilink|Red Mushroom Cap}}
* {{Ilink|Red Mushroom Stem}}
* {{Ilink|Brown Mushroom Cap}}
* {{Ilink|Brown Mushroom Stem}}
* {{Ilink|Bamboo}}
* {{Ilink|Cactus}}
* {{Ilink|Seaweed}}
* {{Ilink|Lily Pad}}
* {{Ilink|Coral}}
* {{Ilink|Coral Lantern}}
* {{Ilink|Empty Bucket}}
* {{Ilink|Bucket of Water}}
* {{Ilink|Bucket of Lava}}
* {{Ilink|Bucket of Acid}}
* {{Ilink|Cobweb}}
* {{Ilink|Rope}}
* {{Ilink|Monster Spawner}}
* {{Ilink|Moss}}
* {{Ilink|Odd Torch}}
* {{Ilink|White Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Light Gray Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Gray Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Black Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Brown Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Purple Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Magenta Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Red Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Orange Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Pink Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Yellow Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Light Green Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Green Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Cyan Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Light Blue Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Blue Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Rainbow Carpet}}
* {{Ilink|Obsidian Backdrop}}
* {{Ilink|Dirt Backdrop}}
* {{Ilink|Wooden Planks Backdrop}}
* {{Ilink|Stone Backdrop}}
* {{Ilink|Cobblestone Backdrop}}
* {{Ilink|Brick Backdrop}}
* {{Ilink|Nether Brick Backdrop}}
* {{Ilink|Stone Brick Backdrop}}
* {{Ilink|Bookshelf Backdrop}}
* {{Ilink|Bamboo Backdrop}}
! Tools and Armor
* {{Ilink|Wooden Pickaxe}}
* {{Ilink|Stone Pickaxe}}
* {{Ilink|Iron Pickaxe}}
* {{Ilink|Golden Pickaxe}}
* {{Ilink|Diamond Pickaxe}}
* {{Ilink|Wooden Shovel}}
* {{Ilink|Stone Shovel}}
* {{Ilink|Iron Shovel}}
* {{Ilink|Golden Shovel}}
* {{Ilink|Diamond Shovel}}
* {{Ilink|Wooden Axe}}
* {{Ilink|Stone Axe}}
* {{Ilink|Iron Axe}}
* {{Ilink|Golden Axe}}
* {{Ilink|Diamond Axe}}
* {{Ilink|Wooden Hoe}}
* {{Ilink|Stone Hoe}}
* {{Ilink|Iron Hoe}}
* {{Ilink|Golden Hoe}}
* {{Ilink|Diamond Hoe}}
* {{Ilink|Wooden Sword}}
* {{Ilink|Stone Sword}}
* {{Ilink|Iron Sword}}
* {{Ilink|Golden Sword}}
* {{Ilink|Diamond Sword}}
* {{Ilink|Bow}}
* {{Ilink|Arrow}}
* {{Ilink|Spear}}
* {{Ilink|Bone Shuriken}}
* {{Ilink|Shears}}
* {{Ilink|Flint and Steel}}
* {{Ilink|Fishing Rod}}
* {{Ilink|Carrot on a Stick}}
* {{Ilink|Clock}}
* {{Ilink|Compass}}
* {{Ilink|Leather Cap}}
* {{Ilink|Leather Tunic}}
* {{Ilink|Leather Pants}}
* {{Ilink|Leather Boots}}
* {{Ilink|Iron Helmet}}
* {{Ilink|Iron Chestplate}}
* {{Ilink|Iron Leggings}}
* {{Ilink|Iron Boots}}
* {{Ilink|Gold Helmet}}
* {{Ilink|Gold Chestplate}}
* {{Ilink|Gold Leggings}}
* {{Ilink|Gold Boots}}
* {{Ilink|Diamond Helmet}}
* {{Ilink|Diamond Chestplate}}
* {{Ilink|Diamond Leggings}}
* {{Ilink|Diamond Boots}}
* {{Ilink|Dragon Scale Helmet}}
* {{Ilink|Dragon Scale Chestplate}}
* {{Ilink|Dragon Scale Leggings}}
* {{Ilink|Dragon Scale Boots}}
* {{Ilink|Santa Hat}}
* {{Ilink|Afro}}
* {{Ilink|Party Hat}}
* {{Ilink|Shades}}
* {{Ilink|Mustache}}
! Food and Crops
* {{Ilink|}}
<!--* {{Ilink|}}-->
<!--* {{Ilink|}}-->

Revision as of 21:42, 18 December 2021