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To play Mine Blocks, you must first create a world. If you would like a beginning advantage, check the "cheats option and/or bonus chest option the bonus chest will give you a chest containing several early-game items, such as fruit, saplings, wood and stone tools, and basic materials like sticks and the cheats option will allow you to access any block, item, spawn egg and let's you summon any sort of mob and let's you do anything else.
You should start by cutting down trees for wood. (Picking leaves with fruit in them will give you some food as well.)
Using the crafting interface in your inventory, you can craft one wood block into four wooden planks.
From these planks you can craft a crafting table, like so:
Once you have the crafting table, select the slot that the crafting table is in, and right-click to place it on the ground.
A placed crafting table will give you a larger crafting interface, allowing you to craft items with more complex recipes. You can access it by right-clicking the crafting table.
Sticks are a useful material because they allow you to craft tools to help do specific tasks. Here is the crafting recipe for sticks:
Do note that sticks can be replaced with bamboo in any crafting recipe.
Now that you have your wooden pickaxe, you should either find a cliff or dig downwards a bit until you reach some stone. After mining it with your pickaxe, you will get cobblestone which can be used to craft new things and be used as an upgrade to wooden tools.
Now you should make a furnace, which is used to smelt ores and cook food.
If your inventory gets too cluttered, you can make a chest to safely store all of these extra items for later.
Now it's time to build a nice house. To place blocks, simply right-click while the block you want to place is selected. Your starter house should have enough room for your crafting table, furnace, and anything else you want inside.
- To avoid having mobs spawn, you should place torches or other light source blocks around your house to keep it lit up.
After building a shelter, it's good to collect some iron. Collecting iron will improve gameplay, allowing access to better tools and more items. If you look under the ground, you'll likely spot a greyish-reddish ore, which is iron. You will need a stone pickaxe in order to collect the block; if you don't have one yet, now is a good time to craft one.
After you have collected some iron ore, smelt it in the furnace as shown below.
You also need coal for this. You can get coal in several ways. One is by mining it in caves, find it in chests, or you can smelt wood in a furnace and get charcoal.
See Also