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Enchanting is a system in Mine Blocks in which the player trades experience to give armor, tools and books special boosts and abilities.


The Enchantments mostly come directly from Minecraft, and are sometimes increased in level such as for Unbreaking (from a maximum of III-Minecraft, to level IV-Mine Blocks, as well as Protection IV-Minecraft, to Protection V-Mine Blocks). The maximum level for enchanting is 54.

Any enchantable item


Unbreaking gives a tool or weapon the chance to not use up a durability point when used. The higher the level, the greater chance that this will happen. It is especially useful for pickaxes and diamond tools, because it provides the highest yield per level. Unbreaking can be applied to any item that has durability (Flint and Steel, Fishing Rod, Shears) using the book enchanting method.

Tool enchantments

Silk touch

Silk Touch is an enchantment that allows players to mine various things and get the exact item they mined. In other words, it grants the player ability to harvest blocks that normally would be unobtainable or difficult to obtain. Items can be converted to their regular form with the use of a normal tool. The negative side of the Silk Touch enchantment is that it will release the raw ore forms, not the drops of coal, odd rock, and diamond. This means that the player must smelt them (or use a normal tool) in order to receive them. Silk Touch is naturally available on both shovels and pickaxes. Silk Touch can be applied to Shears using the Book Enchanting method. Silk Touch also allows the player to obtain blocks that can't be obtained any other way in Survival. In addition to the mining blocks listed above, Silk Touch can be added to shears, which allows the player to obtain cobwebs found in skyholds.


Efficiency increases the working power of the tool (the speed at which it mines/destroys blocks). It can be especially helpful for diamond pickaxes that are used to gather obsidian, which has a very high durability. You can also find efficiency useful for cutting down trees with an axe as it is often found to be very boring.


Fortune is a special enchantment that gives the wielder of the enchanted tool a chance of obtaining copies of the mined object. Note that Fortune only works on immediate-drop ores, such as diamond, coal, and emerald. The higher the level, the more likely the player is to have the enchantment come into effect. It also makes it more likely to receive more than two.

Sword enchantments


Sharpness is a special enchantment that is enchanted onto a sword, and is the most common enchantment for it. Sharpness gives the sword a chance of dealing one to two damage extra on the target, as if turning an iron sword into the equivalant of a diamond sword. Sharpness can be applied to an axe using the book enchanting method.


Knockback is an enchantment that can commonly be found on swords and is usually paired with Sharpness, creating a force to be reckoned with. Knockback increases the knockback dealt to an enemy or target depending on the level. Knockback can be applied to an Axe using the book enchanting method. This enchantment is useful for fighting creepers because it stops them from exploding.

Fire aspect/Flame

Fire Aspect makes the enchanted sword set the target on fire on hit. The higher the level, the longer the opponent will burn. Meat-bearing animals will drop cooked meat when slain. Fire Aspect is also useful for keeping player targets from running away, as taking environmental damage will cease a player's sprint, slowing them down. It can also be used to periodically wear down another player's armor.

Bane of Arthropods

Bane of Arthropods is a common enchantment for swords. It increases damage dealt to arthropods, which currently only includes spiders.


Smite is a rarer enchantment that deals more damage to undead foes. This leaves a small range of opponents: Zombies and skeletons.

Bow enchantments


Power is an enchantment for the bow that is very similar to Sharpness for the sword, dealing more damage to the player's foes on hit with an arrow. The higher the power level is, the stronger the hit will be. After collecting a few Power levels on a bow, it will eventually do enough damage to take out an unarmored foe, such as a creeper, in a single shot. It is the most common bow enchantment.


Punch is the counterpart of Knockback for bows. Punch will hit the opponent farther when this enchantment is applied on the bow. Although the Bow already has an original small amount of knockback, increasing the amount of knockback allows for easier medium-range combat, knocking enemies farther, giving the player time to reload and fire again.


Fire Aspect's Bow counterpart, Flame will set the opponent on fire on hit with an arrow. Unlike Fire Aspect, there is only one level. As with any fire weapon, cooked goods are dropped from peaceful farming mobs. Flame is useful for dealing extra damage along with keeping other players from being able to sprint (as taking damage from the environment ceases the player's ability to sprint). Flame bows can also be used as a ranged detonator for TNT.


Infinity is the most useful enchantment for the bow. When Infinity is wielded by a bow, it will give the user infinite arrows, requiring only one arrow in the player's inventory to use it. Although it can create an infinite number of arrows, it still wears down durability and does not protect the bow from taking damage. It is also important to know that the created arrows cannot be collected if they hit a block instead of the intended target.

Armor enchantments


Protection is a common enchantment that helps reduce the overall damage taken from attacks.

Fire Resistance

Fire Resistance is a less common enchantment that reduces the damage taken from fire damage. This can be helpful against blazes, especially when combined with Fire Resistance potions.

Blast Resistance

Blast Resistance is a less common enchantment that reduces the damage taken from explosive damage. This can be helpful against creepers and when standing too close to a TNT's blast radius.

Projectile Protection

This can be helpful against skeletons, ghasts, and the Ender Dragon. It decreases the amount of damage taken when you are it by an arrow.


Thorns is a rare enchantment that damages when a mob deals damage to the player.


Since the 1.28 update, you can enchant your equipment by using commands. An example enchant code would be: /enchant Unbreaking4 (the enchantment level can be specified by using either natural numbers (1 - 5) or roman numbers (I - V)). You can, also, repeat an level-1 enchantment command to increase the level of the enchantment (ex: repeating three times /enchant Unbreaking1 in a Balloon will make the Balloon have an Unbreaking III Enchantment).

ID Levels Name
unbreaking 4 Unbreaking
protection 4 Protection
protectionFire 3 Fire Protection
protectionBlast 3 Blast Protection
protectionProjectile 3 Projectile Protection
protectionFalling 3 Feather Falling
thorns 3 Thorns
respiration 3 Respiration
aguaAffinity / aquaAffinity 1 Aqua Affinity
sharpness 4 Sharpness
smite 4 Smite
baneOfArthropods 3 Bane of Arthropods
knockback 3 Knockback
fireAspect 1 Fire Aspect
looting 3 Looting
efficiency 2 Efficiency
silkTouch 1 Silk Touch
fortune 3 Fortune
power 3 Power
punch 2 Punch
flame 1 Flame
infinity 1 Infinity
lure 1 Lure
luckOfTheSea 3 Luck of the Sea


  • Enchantments were added in 1.25 along with the enchantment table.
  • In 1.27, the anvil was added.


  • Renamed items cannot be enchanted in an enchantment table.



See also