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Identifier:See data values

Pickaxes are a type of tool required to obtain stone related blocks and to mine ores.


Natural Generation

Wooden pickaxes with full durability can be found in 52.2% of bonus chest in stacks of 1.

Stone pickaxes with 20-50 damage can be found in 52.2% of bonus chests in stacks of 1.

Stone pickaxes with 50-100 damage can be found in 21.8% of loot chests in stacks of 1.


Pickaxes are crafted using three tool materials and two sticks.

Tool material Tool material Tool material
Empty Stick Empty
Empty Stick Empty


Two pickaxes of the same material can be combined in the crafting grid to combine their durability. This can also be done through use of the anvil, to preserve enchantments.



Pickaxes are used to mine stone related blocks and ores. These blocks that pickaxes mine faster would usually not drop if not mined with one. Successive types include the abilities of previous ones but can mine faster, and give the player the ability to collect drops from some blocks.


  • Bedrock cannot be broken by any means in Survival mode.
  • Some blocks drop nothing even with a diamond pickaxe, such as the mob spawner.

Pickaxes have different durability depending on which tool material they were made out of. The greater the tier the greater the number of blocks it is able to mine.

Pickaxe Material Uses Speed Breaks without dropping Breaks faster Collects
Wooden pickaxe
Wooden planks 60 Slowest Iron, lapis, redstone, obsidian, topaz, ender gem. Glowstone, odd rock ore, bone block. Stone/cobblestone (dropping cobblestone), coal ore, sandstone, enderstone.
Stone pickaxe
Cobblestone 130 Second slowest Lapis lazuli ore, redstone ore, gold ore, diamond ore, ender gem ore Glowstone, odd rock ore, bone block, stone/cobblestone (dropping cobblestone), coal ore, sandstone, enderstone. Iron ore, coral
Iron pickaxe
Iron ingot 251 Fast Obsidian Glowstone, odd rock ore, bone block, stone/cobblestone (dropping cobblestone). Lapis lazuli ore, redstone ore, gold ore, diamond ore, ender gem ore. It can break anything but obsidian.
Gold pickaxe
Gold ingot 33 Fastest Same as the iron pickaxe Same as the iron pickaxe Same as the iron pickaxe
Diamond pickaxe
Diamond 1500 Second fastest (All possible collectable blocks are collected) Fastest possible speed for everything Can mine obsidian, as well as all other blocks(apart from bedrock)


Pickaxes can be used to deal more damage than by hand, however they deal less damage than a sword or axe tool of the same material and use up two durability points when used to do damage to a mob.


Pickaxes can be enchanted directly through the enchantment table.

Enchantments applicable to pickaxes include:

*Note: Silk touch and fortune are mutually exclusive.

Number Icon[ng] Name Newgrounds name Description [ng] Objective Points[ng] Requirements
5 Craft a wooden pickaxe Wooden Pickaxe Use this to mine stone and coal Make a wooden pickaxe 5 ×1 Crafting Table ×2 Stick ×3 Wooden Planks
6 Craft a stone pickaxe Stone Pickaxe With this, you can also mine iron and make an iron pickaxe! Make a stone pickaxe 5 ×1 Crafting Table ×2 Stick ×3 Cobblestone
7 Craft an iron pickaxe Iron Pickaxe You can now mine diamonds... sparkle sparkle! Make an iron pickaxe 5 ×1 Crafting Table ×2 Stick ×3 Iron ingot

Data Values


Pickaxes use their ID to determine their grade.

Wooden pickaxe
Stone pickaxe
Iron pickaxe
Golden pickaxe
Diamond pickaxe

Item Data

Item data is used to determine the durability of the pickaxe. If using the /give command, this can be specified using the third parameter. Positive integers are how much durability the pickaxe has taken away from full durability, and negative integers are how much durability the pickaxe has left. For example, the command /give wooden_pickaxe 1 10 gives one wooden pickaxe with ten durability taken away from full durability.


Version Date Changes
Prior to 1.4.34 Day 10
  • Added the wooden pickaxe recipe
Prior to 1.4.34 Day 11
  • Wooden pickaxe
  • Other pickaxes
1.19 Nov 19, 2011
  • Updated the textures of pickaxes
1.23 Nov 13, 2015
  • Wooden and stone pickaxes can no longer be used to mine gold
1.27 Nov 13, 2015
  • Pickaxes can be repaired through crafting and through the anvil


  • There is an unobtainable obsidian pickaxe in the game's code. It has 3000 durability points, and breaks many blocks instantly, and could also mine bedrock. It was added and is currently the only known remnant of a Points system where players would get points through an unknown way then trade them in for special/useful items.
The unused Obsidian Pickaxe

See Also