The first things you need
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This page contains some of the things that may help a player when starting a new world.
Wooden planks
- Used to make a crafting table and tools.
- Can be used as a building material.
- It is used to make more complex things.
- Bamboo can be used in place of sticks in any recipe.
- Sticks can be placed that you can walk through and walk on, however, mobs fall through it.
Crafting table
- Gives you a three by three crafting grid, required for more complex crafting recipes.
- Wooden pickaxes can only break stone and coal.
- Stone pickaxes can break stone, coal ore, iron blocks, and iron ore. They mine more quickly than wooden pickaxes.
- Iron pickaxes can break everything a stone pickaxe can, but more quickly. They can also break diamond ore, gold ore, and redstone ore.
- A diamond pickaxe can break everything except bedrock.
- Lighting an area with a torch decreases the chance of a mob spawning there.