Flaming Chicken

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Flaming Chicken
Flaming Chicken.PNG
Drops:1 Cooked chicken
0-2 Feather

The flaming chicken is a chicken that has been set on fire. This makes it hostile, and cause fire to spread to nearby flammable blocks.

This mob has 4 (♥♥) Health and will drop cooked chicken and feathers when killed.


A normal chicken will turn into a flaming chicken if they are set on fire, by running over a fire, when the player uses a flint and steel on a chicken, or by throwing a fire egg at the chicken


The flaming chicken drops 1 Cooked_chicken cooked chicken, and 0-2 Feather feathers.


Crafting with the flaming chicken drop:

Arrow Chicken Nugget

Invisible-sprite Flint Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Stick Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Feather Invisible-sprite Arrow4

Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Cooked Chicken Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Chicken Nugget4


The flaming chicken bounces continuously and squawks repeatedly. Attempts to follow the player to damage them, dealing 1 heart damage per second 2 (♥). It has a red glow around it and emits red particles.

The flaming chicken lays a Fire_Egg fire egg from time to time, which can be used to spawn more flaming chickens.

The flaming chicken has higher health, speed, and jump than a normal chicken; however, it can revert back to a normal chicken if it comes into contact with water or spends a certain amount of time.


The flaming chicken takes no damage from fire and does not take damage from lava.

Like normal chickens, flaming chickens are immune to fall damage.


Number Icon[ng] Name Newgrounds name Description [ng] Objective Points[ng] Requirements
23 Slay a flaming chicken Kill a Flaming Chicken Nothing's worse than a chicken with attitude. Kill a flaming chicken 5


Version Date Changes
1.21 May 17, 2012
  • Added the flaming chicken
1.30.3b Nov 21, 2021
  • Flaming chickens set flammable blocks on fire again


  • 1.28: Fire eggs seem to spawn regular chickens more often than flaming chickens.


  • The main reason a player may want to summon a flaming chicken is in order to get the achievement.
  • Thunder can periodically be heard when around the flaming chicken.
  • The flaming chicken can jump 8 blocks.


See Also