
From Mine Blocks Wiki
Revision as of 19:42, 17 October 2014 by StarLeaf (talk | contribs) (I BASICALLY SAID THAT you can turn flowers into dyes!)
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Flowers are the first plants that will appear in Forest, They will easily cut when using a hand, They are too useful for decorations in the house, your backyard, your garden..... They can also be used for dyes! The red flower can be used in the crafting table to get 2 red dyes. If you put a yellow flower in the crafting table then you'll get 2 yellow dyes.

Flores são muito fácil de encontrar provavelmente a primeira coisa que você encontra na floresta. Só existem no mine blocks flores vermelhas(rosas) e as amarelas(dente de leão) você pode fazer corante com elas ou usa-lá para decorar sua casa.