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Backdrops are variant forms of several normal blocks that do not obstruct movement but still retain other properties such as enchantment bonus or water redirection. Backdrops include obsidian, dirt, wooden planks, stone, cobblestone, brick, nether brick, bookshelf, any color of glass or wool, and bamboo block.


Backdrops are immune to normal breaking, but can be mined with another backdrop block. Backdrops can also be broken by placing another block on top of them. This will cause them to drop as an item. If a flammable backdrop burns, it will drop itself.


The block itself yields its backdrop (it can be crafted back).

Bookshelf Empty
Empty Empty
Bookshelf backdrop


Backdrops are placed like normal blocks.

A world tile can only hold one block, so it's not possible to have both foreground and background on a tile. The main purpose of backdrops is for decorative purposes and to slightly deviate from the 2 dimension aspect in builds as a background, instead of the sky. Backdrops are common used as walls in builds.

Crafting recipes

Backdrops give back their respective blocks when placed in the crafting grid.


  • 1.25: You can no longer mine backdrops unless you are holding a backdrop.

See also