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Drops:Blaze rods

The BlazeHead blaze is a hostile levitating creature that appears in the nether dimension.

This mob has 20 (♥ × 10) health and will drop blaze rod blaze rod when killed.


The blaze can spawn anywhere in the nether, on netherrack netherrack.


A Slime can be spawned in another way besides its respective spawn egg, with the command /summon blaze you can spawn it.

In addition to that you can add data tags to customize the blaze. examples:

  • /summon blaze 1 ~ ~ {name:"blaze powder", defaultDrops:0, drops:[{item:{id:"blaze_powder"}, quantity:3, onFire:1}]}
  • /summon blaze 1 ~ ~ {name:"blaze quantum", health:60, defaultDrops:false, drops:[{item:{id:"ender_pearl"}, quantity:1}]}


The blaze drops Experience_orb_2 experience points when it dies.

When a blaze dies, it will drop 0-1 blaze_rodblaze rods, 0-3 glowstone_dust glowstone Dust and 0-2 charcoal charcoal.


Crafting with the blaze drop:

Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Blaze Rod Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Blaze Powder

Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Blaze Rod Invisible-sprite Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone Brewing Stand

Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Glowstone Dust Glowstone Dust Invisible-sprite Glowstone Dust Glowstone Dust Glowstone

Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Charcoal Invisible-sprite Invisible-sprite Stick Invisible-sprite Torch


Blazes can fly and randomly float around, aimlessly, giving off smoke particles. However, when they come into proximity of Player_head the player, their head will catch on Fire fire, and they will start shooting Fire_ball fireballs at the player, which causing small explosions that do no damage to blocks, only entities (fireballs deal 7 (♥♥♥♥) damage). They also have a melee attack, dealing half 2 (♥) heart of damage a second.


Number Icon[ng] Name Newgrounds name Description [ng] Objective Points[ng] Requirements
20 Slay a blaze Kill a Blaze They will shoot fireballs at you like crazy! Kill a blaze 5


Version Date Changes
1.23 Oct 31, 2012
  • Added the blaze.
    • Drop blaze rods.
      • Blaze powder.
1.27 Nov 13, 2015
  • Blazes now drop charcoal instead of bedrock.
  • Blaze fireballs no longer hurt the blaze that shot it.
1.28 Oct 8, 2016
  • Fixed blaze fireballs
1.30.3b Nov 21, 2021
  • Fixed blazes now drop glowstone dust instead of bedrock


  • 1.30: Blaze can drop Bedrock upon death, but cannot be picked up by the player.


  • The rods you get from killing a blaze are the rods that fly around it.
  • The closer a blaze fires at you, the more damage the fireballs will do.


See Also