User talk:MasterMind DC

From Mine Blocks Wiki
Revision as of 10:32, 5 July 2014 by MasterMind DC (talk | contribs) (→‎Mine Block 1.26.5 Bug report's: new section)
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Mine Block 1.26.5 Bug report's

  1. You can spawn under water and you spawn deep down making it hard to get up.
  2. When spawning in under water in seaweed breaking it will make the water disappear.
  3. Snow spawning on water -
  4. Why do some biomes have this random drop all of a sudden? -
  5. Floating grass when sand updates and falls -
  6. How come oceans sometimes don't have higher slops to it to hold the water, plus flying mushroom tree's? -
  7. Flying decapitated Natural spawn tree? -
  8. Why caves directly under sand to make it fall?
  9. Ice spawning under water? -
  10. pig's will not follow the carrot on a stick (Riding/Not Riding)
  11. on the changelog you have 2 things the same about slimes not dropping slime
  12. detector rails not giving a long enough pulse to keep the powered rail on so the player in minecart can pass
  13. when in a thunder storm your crops disappear
  14. Backdrop disappearing when placing a block in front of it.
  15. Golden apple seeds not growing
  16. Not taking fall damage
  17. When Breaking snow you get 1 bedrock not a snow ball.
  18. Enchantments copying in your inventory. (ZanzLanz already knows this)

~~MasterMind~~ (talk) 10:32, 5 July 2014 (EDT)