
From Mine Blocks Wiki
Revision as of 22:31, 4 July 2022 by Tobias Alcaraz (talk | contribs)
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This template allows users to quickly add content separated by columns into a page.


Note: if you are going to make a list, use the HTML syntax (<ul></ul> or <ol></ol> to specify wether it is an unordered [or "dots"] or ordered [or "numbered"] list respectively, and then <li></li> for each list item inside of any of the previous tags) so the first item also goes inside the list.

| content = 
| columns = 
| class = 
| style = 
| gap = 
| small = <true>?


| content = 
<li>{{Ilink|Wooden Planks}}</li>
| gap = 2em
| small = true
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