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This templated (named I-slot as a shortcut for item-slot) serves as an easy method to add icon sprites that are inside of a in-game slot, with tooltip included with the item's name and/or with extra info.


The syntax of the template is:

  | name = <file-name>
  | ammount = <number>
  | link = <item-link>
  | size = <file-size> (width and height at the same time)
  | class = <file-class>
  | tooltip = <default-tooltip-text>
  | minetip-title = <mb-minetip-title>
  | minetip-text = <mb-minetip-text>

The single line version is:

{{I-slot|name= <file-name>|ammount= <number>|link= <item-link>|size= <file-size> (width and height at the same time)|class= <file-class>|tooltip= <default-tooltip-text>|minetip-title= <mb-minetip-title>|minetip-text= <mb-minetip-text>}}

Note that minetip-title and minetip-text are mandatory for the tooltip to work. In case you don't need minetip-text, you can mention the parameter and leave it empty. minetip-title defaults to the first parameter (file-name)'s text if it's not used.

Parameter Function Value type Default value Status
name It's the item's name. It's mainly used for the image name. No format is needed to specify. String Invisible-sprite Recommended
ammount Number of the same item. Integer None Optional
link Icon's link. Wikitext name's value Optional
size Icon's size (both width and height share the same value to keep the image fully squared). Integer 16 Optional
class Icon's extra classes. String None Optional
tooltip Icon's default tooltip text. It's automatically removed if the Mine Blocks-themed tooltip isbeing used (see below). String name's value Optional
minetip-title Icon's Mine Block tooltip title. String name's value Optional
minetip-text Icon's Mine Block tooltip text. Use the forward slash (/) as line breaks. String None Optional


Values used Code Result
  | name = Wooden Planks

Wooden Planks

Name and ammount
  | name = Wooden Planks
  | ammount = 64

Wooden Planks64

Name, ammount and link
  | name = Wooden Planks
  | ammount = 64
  | link = Cow

Wooden Planks64

Name, ammount, link, and size
  | name = Wooden Planks
  | ammount = 64
  | link = Cow
  | size = 24

Wooden Planks64

Name, ammount, link, size, and icon class
  | name = Wooden Planks
  | ammount = 64
  | link = Cow
  | size = 24
  | class = thumb-class

Wooden Planks64

Name, ammount, link, size, icon class, and default tooltip text
  | name = Wooden Planks
  | ammount = 64
  | link = Cow
  | size = 24
  | class = thumb-class
  | tooltip = Default tooltip text.

Default tooltip text.64

Name, ammount, link, size, icon class, default tooltip text, and empty mb tooltip title
  | name = Wooden Planks
  | ammount = 64
  | link = Cow
  | size = 24
  | class = thumb-class
  | tooltip = Default tooltip text.
  | minetip-title =

Default tooltip text.64

Name, ammount, link, size, icon class, default tooltip text, and mb tooltip title with custom text
  | name = Wooden Planks
  | ammount = 64
  | link = Cow
  | size = 24
  | class = thumb-class
  | tooltip = Default tooltip text.
  | minetip-title = Lorem Ipsum

Default tooltip text.64

Name, ammount, link, size, icon class, default tooltip text, and empty mb tooltip text
  | name = Wooden Planks
  | ammount = 64
  | link = Cow
  | size = 24
  | class = thumb-class
  | tooltip = Default tooltip text.
  | minetip-text =

Default tooltip text.64

Name, ammount, link, size, icon class, default tooltip text, and mb tooltip with custom text
  | name = Wooden Planks
  | ammount = 64
  | link = Cow
  | size = 24
  | class = thumb-class
  | tooltip = Default tooltip text.
  | minetip-text = Dolor sit amet.

Default tooltip text.64

Name, ammount, link, size, icon class, default tooltip text, mb tooltip title with custom text, and mb tooltip with custom text
  | name = Wooden Planks
  | ammount = 64
  | link = Cow
  | size = 24
  | class = thumb-class
  | tooltip = Default tooltip text.
  | minetip-title = Lorem Ipsum
  | minetip-text = Dolor sit amet.

Default tooltip text.64


  • If a custom value for the icons' size is going to be used, it should be any of these: 16, 18, 20, 22, or 24.
    • Using any other value will make the icon to not be centered.
    • Using a value higher than the ones mentioned above will make the icon overflow from its container box.
  • Despite the default tooltip being removed if the custom mb tooltip is being used, it's recommended to not remove it (using the parameter but leaving its value empty) since it will display as a fallback in case the user has disabled their JavaScript.